Thanks to the support of the San Diego Architectural Foundation, four Pillars Scholarships were awarded for the summer in 2019.

Shane Yee is a third year undergraduate majoring in architecture. His summer project 20 West Coast Skate Spots: An Analysis of Form and Movement, will review skate park design across Southern California with deliverables including a book and 3D printed models.

Colin McGregor is a third year undergraduate majoring in architecture. He will undertake a two-week research trip to the town of Paradise California, where the Camp Fire recently destroyed over 18,000 buildings and killed 86 people. He hopes to address rebuilding efforts and identify ways that architecture can help prevent similar disasters in the future.

Jessica Patrick is a third year graduate majoring in architecture. She will be travelling to Compostela, Spain with a study abroad program to investigate the intersection of creating work by hand and neuroscience in architecture.

Tariq Jaber is a second year graduate majoring in architecture whose thesis investigates border conditions. He will spend his summer looking at approaches to border control in Israel / Palestine, North and South Cyprus, and the border between Turkey and Syria.